
Privacy Policy

Collection of Information

KIFATA is owned by Emirates National Holding (ENH) and is registered in Dubai. KIFATA is responsible for the processing of any personal information you provide us either directly on our website, or through electronic forms as part of our email marketing efforts, or when we collect electronic or any other types of data at events or trade shows where we participate. In addition, we may from time to time purchase or receive data from publishers, media agencies, or from other third-party data or event management companies. At KIFATA we take our responsibility to protect your personal information seriously. This privacy statement explains how we use the personal information that we collect.

Your personal information

When you use forms provided on this web site you will be asked to provide certain information: for example, your name, your address, your email address and/or phone number. We will store this information and hold it in secure data storage facilities and/or computers and servers, and we will use this information in the following ways:

  1. To register you with our web site, and in order to execute our services when you have registered to receive them; for instance to receive regular newsletters or other updates from KIFATA (you can unsubscribe from these services at any time as set out below)
  2. To administer any promotional offers you may enter
  3. To answer any queries which you send us by email
  4. In order to conduct regular client surveys
  5. For other direct marketing purposes, as set out below

Use of personal information

The information you provide us, or that is obtained by us, will be used to enable KIFATA to review, develop and enhance the web site and the other services which we offer. We may also from time to time inform you about new products and services from KIFATA as our business develops.

Disclosure of personal information

KIFATA does not sell, market or barter your personal information to third parties; however, we may hand over information we have gathered about you as follows:
KIFATA may provide its third party service providers with access to your personal information. These service providers may include: our client relationship management centre; our call centre; marketing and media planning organisations, who provide support for our marketing communications; internet service providers who administer our web pages and provide internet services and host our facilities; consumer research companies that assist KIFATA with better understanding your business interests by conducting regular surveys. KIFATA only shares your personal information to the extent required for the performance of such services. KIFATA has implemented safeguards to ensure that our service providers treat personal information in such a way that is consistent with the terms of this privacy statement, and that your information is only used to fulfil services to KIFATA. KIFATA may also disclose your personal information as permitted or required by law. For example, KIFATA will disclose personal information to those governmental bodies with authority to obtain it, in order to comply with a warrant issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, and to comply with the production of data records, if so required.

Giving consent

By choosing to provide KIFATA with your personal information you are consenting to its use in accordance with the principles outlined in this privacy statement and/or as outlined at the time you were asked to provide any personal information.
KIFATA may contact you by phone, or email or in writing, in order to provide you with updates relating to its services as well as information about additional services, products or events that KIFATA believes may be of interest to you. You can choose to unsubscribe from these updates if you so wish.

Withdrawing consent

All marketing communications KIFATA sends to you will provide you with a way to withdraw your consent. If you no longer wish to receive promotional materials you may opt-out of receiving these communications by clicking here, this will remove you from all KIFATA mailing lists.

Data security

We will take all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the personal information you share with us, and we are continuously reviewing and implementing new security technology features to help safeguard the privacy of your personal information.

Aggregate data

We may aggregate personal information and remove identifying elements in order to analyse patterns and improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to analyse the use of our website, to improve our content and product offerings, and to customise our site’s content, layout and services.
KIFATA gathers usage information like the number and frequency of visitors to this web site. This information may include which URL you just came from, which URL you next go to, what browser you are using, and your IP address.
We only use such data in the aggregate, and this collective data helps us to determine how much our customers use parts of the site, and do internal research on our users’ demographics, interests, and behaviour to better understand and serve you.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a small item of web code used by a web browser to store information. When you visit a web site that uses cookies, like the KIFATA web site for example, the web server will request permission to pass a cookie to your browser. If accepted, it will occupy only a few bytes on your hard drive and can improve your web surfing experience. KIFATA and its partner agencies uses cookies to track customer visits through our site. Cookies cannot profile your system or collect information from your hard drive. You may receive cookies from many different sites but each one is unique and can only be read by the web server that originally issued it to you. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can set your browsers to refuse cookies.

Links to others

Our web site may contain links to other web sites. KIFATA is not responsible for the privacy practices of any web sites not operated by us. This privacy statement applies only to our own web site and the information collected by KIFATA.

Updating your information

If your personal information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, we will provide a way to correct, update or remove the information you provided to us.

Access to your information

You have the right to access the personal information we keep about you and we will always try to provide the information you require within a reasonable timeframe. There may be a small charge for this service, depending on the information that you request. If you are concerned that the information we hold on you is incorrect, please contact us.

Transfer of your information

It is very likely that some of the parties that process or store your personal information on our behalf may be located in jurisdictions outside your country of residence. If your information is processed and stored in their jurisdictions, foreign governments, courts, or other regulatory agencies may be able to obtain disclosure of your information through the laws in those countries.